Crystal Woods Crystal Woods

The Song Giver

VH1 used to run “Storytellers,” episodes that allowed songwriters to share about the circumstances and emotions that led to some of the songs people know and love. I’ve always thought that was fascinating…a look behind the curtain…a key to unlock a deeper understanding of lyrics and melody…a window into the heart that birthed the song.

We’ve already shared a video of Janet and AJ Schubert performing their song, “The Brave Way Home” but we want to share some of the story that led to the song, confident that you’ll be inspired to praise the song’s Giver…

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Ben Woods Ben Woods

Promise Day

“He is my Savior. He is my King. And I will follow Him forever.”

Every moment is a gift. But this moment…this moment is a treasure…it is a promise. I’m forever grateful to have shared it…this very specific, definitive moment, with my Calla three years ago today. I think back to all the discussions about Jesus and about baptism and faith we had with our sweet girl…

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Ben Woods Ben Woods

Facing A New Year With Open Hands

It’s the last day of 2021 and I’m naturally feeling reflective.

This time last year, Crystal and I were still finding our feet beneath us. We were determined to follow Jesus forward, but reeling from wave after wave of grief upon grief. We left 2020 feeling unwanted and crushed, misunderstood and confused, but entered 2021 with a fledgling, hopeful grip on a beautiful, God-given mission to call and equip fellow wayfarers to deeper living, eyes fixed on Jesus and hearts set on Heaven.

Throughout this year we have continued to learn to cling tightly to the truth we have been taught and to hold everything else loosely. We’ve faithfully leaned into the work of discovering the shape and the scope of the ministry God is building with us. We’ve humbly stood with our hands open before God, trusting Him to fill them, determined to do His will, and believing that on the other side of obedience is blessing.

This has been a year of God reminding us that He is far from finished with us....

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