The beginnings of The Brave Way Home

Where we’ve been…where we are…and where we’re going.

Where we go, we go together.

Meet the Founders.

We are Ben and Crystal Woods. We are devoted followers of Christ, partners in marriage and ministry, and the grateful parents of our three amazing children, Ezra, Calla and Lilah. We first met at freshman orientation in Bible College, before the turn of the century, and have been married since 2001. We love Jesus first and let the fullness of that core relationship pour into our marriage and then into our family and then into the world around us. We have served in various forms of ministry over the years, from touring the country performing music, to serving students on a secular college campus, to discipling college-age young adults and creating discipleship pathways in the local church, and we have always served together.

Our happy life was turned upside down in May of 2019 when we discovered that our precious center child, our 9-year old daughter Calla, was fighting a rare and extremely aggressive brain cancer. We watched our brave and beautiful girl battle and persevere and suffer for 8 weeks, and she was in our arms when Her King came to rescue her from this broken safely bring her Home and to her promised reward.

As we navigate life between Calla’s rescue and our someday reunion, our faithful God has been our unshakable foundation through the fiercest storms and darkest valleys of grief. Its been in this season that He has given us a vision to call and equip fellow wayfarers for the journey that lies before each of us…the journey forward, toward Jesus. We are propelled forward by His strength and toward all the promises we welcome from a distance as we run the race marked out for us. Jesus has set great joy before us - reunion, rest, resurrection, restoration and reward - and we follow His example of surrendered suffering by anchoring our hearts in confident hope to what lies ahead.

We are not home yet.

We are wayfaring through this life, eyes fixed on Jesus and hearts set on Heaven, traveling The Brave Way Home.







Team Woods

