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Ben and Crystal are authentic and gifted communicators and worship leaders with a deep desire to point to Jesus in all circumstances. Together, Team Woods values each opportunity to serve and equip the local church, marriages, families, schools, communities, and organizations.

Team Woods has a passion to surrender their story and connect with others for God’s eternal purposes. Whether speaking to a church family at a weekend service, addressing groups of men, women or young adults, or teaching workshops designed to strengthen marriage and family, deepen faith, or navigate deep grief, they are determined to encourage and equip others as we journey toward Heaven.

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Equipping fellow wayfarers wherever and however we can is the heartbeat of The Brave Way Home. Ben and Crystal know firsthand that the journey is sometimes beautiful, sometimes difficult, and they want to come alongside and encourage you on through whatever terrain you are walking in. 

They enjoy collaborating with organizations, staff teams, and individuals, sharing Ben’s leadership and ministry experience in creating sustainable ministry models, developing leadership pipelines and discipleship pathways and fostering healthy culture and their combined passion for marriages moving on mission, creating a family identity and culture code, caring for and coming alongside those in the dark seasons of life and faithfully encouraging wayfarers to let heavenly thinking invade their earthly living.
